Combo packs or offers work in the same way as the discounts and deals. The purpose of any combo offer is to grab the attention of the customer and catch their attention so that your sales would increase and improvise in a big way. Combo offers are one of the important and effective modes to your customers and make them feel more wanted. There are so many factors that are improvised in a customer when these combo packs are given.

The loyalty of the customer:

There is indeed no denying the fact that the customer who is treated special and is given an impression that he is important and he or she is special, will be able to connect more efficiently and fondly with the store. Combo offers are nothing but the discounts that you may offer to a customer which makes them more loyal to your store.

Improvises visibility to customers:

Combo offers are the best way to keep your shop or stores offers moving and visible to the customers. The net result of a combo offers proposed to a customer is that products which did not have as much visibility earlier will now be brought to a notice of the customer.

Boost sales:

The tempting prices that you offer on a Combo Offer would rapidly boost up the sales of multiple products at once. Tapping a customer for infrequent products may be tough but can be easily achieved with the combo offers.

Prior check before combo offers:

A product should be in one category. In case a product is in 2 or more categories then the discount will apply for the category rule which was added first or based on priority when defined properly.

Levels of applying these combo offers:

There are basically 3 levels where you could apply the combo offers:

  • Store level
  • Category level
  • Product-level


In the Store level, the combo offers given for products will apply to a particular store or all over the store.

In Category level, combo offers will apply to the selected categories, an offer will not apply to un-selected categories of the store.

In Product level, the offers will apply only for the products that the merchants add himself.

By giving combo packs both the company and the customers gets benefited which strives a win-win situation. The company can clear its stock and can increase the sale in one shot and the customers can buy more in the price of less. These combo offers come in handy even when there is no season for a sale and these combo offers Are The saviours when it comes to sales.

Vikkys strive to bring quality products and to provide the manufacturers with a better platform to promote quality products through a strong network in an efficient manner. Our mission is to radiate happiness in our customers’ daily life with a range of eco-friendly products.

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